How Employed Women Can Set Up Their Own Dream
Business from Scratch – Without Risking Their Income

Imagine what it would feel like to have your own dream business

No more bosses telling you what to do, when to have lunch breaks and how much holiday you can have – no more commuting in the rush hour – instead, you doing what you have always wanted and finally being in control. When you really enjoy your business like this, it is no longer work!

Perhaps you have kids that you would like to spend more time with or you just want a better work/life balance without all the stress that you have been putting up with for so long.

I can guess what you are thinking,

“This all sounds great but I wouldn’t know where to start.  I am scared to run my own business and what if it doesn’t work?”

Well it’s only natural to have reservations about anything new that you do. The solution is firstly to have a clear reason WHY you would like your own business. The second is to have someone to share with you what you need to do.

I used to be just like you until I set up own dream business in 2015. It has literally changed my life, more than I could have imagined and now I am sharing with other women what works through a FREE 40 minute online Web class.

I want you to learn from the person that taught me what I know

so I have even persuaded my mentor, Keith Banfield to join me so that you can have the very best information.

On the 40 minute free online training you will discover:

  • Your Purpose Prescription – How to stay motivated and practically guarantee your success – even if you have never run a business before.
  • Scaling For Success – The 3 x million Dollar secrets to making REAL money from your business.
  • The Money Tap System – How you can have money coming into your business like water coming out of a tap.
  • The 9-5 Game Changer– How to eliminate risk and fear of failure so that you can pursue your dream once and for all with absolute certainty.

Plus we have a FREE audio program for you called Finding Customers and much more…

PLEASE NOTE: There are no sales pitches and nothing to buy on this Web Class, so you can put your credit card away. Everything is FREE!

To register for the next online workshop, simply click the button

and follow the prompts. You will be able to download a workbook once you have registered but you might also want to take notes.