“Believe in what you want so much that is has no choice but to materialise.” This quote by Karen Salmansohn, best-selling self-help author, is so poignant when it comes to women in business that it inspires me on a daily basis, especially with my own business.

This begs the question then, can you manifest, through your thoughts and deeds, the business of your dreams? Well, there is much evidence to suggest that you can.

I could list a string of successful names here but a few should illustrate my argument. Oprah Winfrey one of the most famous, wealthiest business women in the world, is a rags to riches story that has a strong Law of Attraction foundation. Oprah is a big advocate of The Secret and manifestation, promoting it and associated authors on her show for years. She says: “Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life, because you become what you believe.”

Andrew Carnegie, industrialist and philanthropist, a captain of industry that amassed a fortune and then gave most of it away, endowing thousands of public libraries and multiple universities. Total charitable spending: the equivalent of today’s $78.6 billion said: “I am no longer cursed by poverty because I took possession of my own mind and that mind has yielded me every material thing I want, and much more than I need. But this power of mind is a universal one, available to the humblest person as it is to the greatest.”

So how can you apply this to your business? Well Michael Goldberg of StartupNation states that you can use the Law of Attraction to achieve anything you desire, including your goals for your business, in 5 simple steps.

The first, he says, is to acknowledge that you can in fact manifest success. You must believe it; and then activate your thoughts, beliefs and visualizations, as our dominant thoughts are incredibly powerful and help to create our reality.

Next, you need to write down your plan. Write down what you want and what you desire. Be specific and write down the steps you’re going to take to achieve it. Come up with the best plan you can, then start “doing”. You can tweak your plan as you go along, but getting it out of your head and down on paper is a major first step!

The third step is to “know that you have the power to shape your life” or in other words don’t blame others and instead take responsibility for your own life. Know that you have the ultimate power to control what you do, where you go, how you react and so on; and then follow up this belief in mind with actual deeds.

Next he says you need to expect some bumps in the road, learn from them, and when you fall, dust yourself off and get back up. He quotes Thomas Edison at this point who famously said “Many of life’s failures are men who did not realise how close they were to success when they gave up.”

And lastly, the fifth step is to use life events to your advantage and he says here… “Think of events as your personal curriculum for manifesting your destiny.”

So it would seem that in business too, if you believe in what you want, really believe, and then put the practices in place to back up your belief, if may actually have no choice but to materialise.

As Albert Einstein famously said: “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”


Written by Violet Erdil, CEO Bright Small Business Solutions & Co-Founder Business Success for Women Program | Monday December 18th, 2017