It would seem that as we get older we have a lot to look forward to as women, especially within the world of business. We gain a better understanding of who we are and what we want, and what we’re willing to do to get it. This goes for all aspects of our lives, including our relationships, our careers and our goals. It’s no great surprise then, that according to Inside Small Business, Australian women over 35 are showing the greatest start-up and SME potential.

Sarah Miller of Business, Business, Business reports that “…more and more female entrepreneurs are making and breaking ground throughout the world. Attitudes towards typical gender roles are changing, and this spells hope for the future and a more diverse and thriving marketplace for women…”

So, even though Australia slipped to 46th out of 144 countries in the ranking of gender equality in the World Economic Forum report this year,

it would seem that we are still managing to close the gender gap when it comes to business.

This of course is not completely due to women over 35 as many younger women are moving into leadership roles, starting successful businesses and contributing greatly to the overall success of women in business. However, the dominant trend at the moment shows older women taking the business “bull” by the horns.

Jane Caro’s delightful article “Business needs to start recognising the worth of older women” argues that older women should be credited for much business success – both as business leaders and owners and consumers. Not to mention that we are often great “protectors of younger women” when it comes to business.

Caro points out that women in their 50’s are really the first generation in history to have earned their own money for most of their lives. And says that older women “…have real economic clout”.

Analysis has been conducted recently pointing to the fact that the biggest wealth transfer in history is about to happen, and most of it will go to older women. Their parents are dying and leaving them money. Their husbands generally die before they do leaving them money, or, he has to split his assets as part of the divorce settlement. Add their own earnings to that and Caro says that “…cashed-up older women are not just a force of nature but a force business needs to reckon with.”

So, it could be argued that women over 35 and beyond, are better equipped… physically, emotionally, and financially for business. We’re showing more potential, have more opportunities and therefore possibilities. So all that’s left to be done ladies, is to hold on to the horns of that business “bull” tightly, and ride it all the way to success!


Written by Violet Erdil, CEO Bright Small Business Solutions & Co-Founder Business Success for Women Program | Monday December 18th, 2017